January 21st, 2024
199 Water St, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10038
Nisha Dass, Emmanuel Depas, Nicia Fullwood, Jordan Hardy, Kristin Hodgson, Audeliz Pollock, Andre Sigourney, Lauren Sills, Felicia Winder, Katherine Zapata
Hansini Sharma
Sabrina Philson, Christina Yi-Perry
A. Record Attendance
B. Call the Meeting to Order
Meeting called to order at 10:07 AM
C. Public Comment
No public comment
A. The board reviewed and discussed the organizational bylaws prepared by the organization’s counsel. Ms. Christina Yi-Perry provided an overview of changes made to the document since submission of the school’s charter application. Ms. Yi-Perry will connect with each board member individually regarding board term/class.